WSJT-X with ICOM IC-7300


I’ve never used a digital HF mode, so let’s try WSJT-X with the IC-7300 and see what this is all about.

Connect the IC-7300 to Windows11 PC (Microsoft Surface).

On the radio: Menu -> Set -> Connectors -> DATA MOD -> set to USB

On the radio: Menu -> Set -> Connectors -> CI-V -> Baud Rate -> set to 19200 (don’t think this is relevant to USB operation)

On the radio: Menu -> Set -> Connectors -> CI-V -> USB Baud Rate -> set to 115200

On the radio: Menu -> Set -> Connectors -> CI-V -> USB Echo Back -> set to ON

Download the correct IC-7300 USB driver from ICOM’s website:

Follow ICOM’s instructions for installing the USB driver. I found that the driver installation failed unless I first extracted the Zip file. Per ICOM’s instructions, for Windows11 on my Surface PC, I used the Windows10 x64 driver.

Connect the IC-7300 by USB to the computer and open the Device Manager to see whether it’s recognized and to see which COM port is assigned (COM6 for me). The IC-7300 showed up as Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM6).

Open WSJTX (COM6 didn’t appear as an option until I closed WSJTX and re-opened it).

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Rig -> IC-7300

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Baud Rate -> 115200

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Data Bits -> 8

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Stop Bits -> Two

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Handshake -> None

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Mode -> Data/Pkt

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> Split Operation -> None

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Radio -> PTT Method -> CAT

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Audio -> Input -> Microphone (USB Audio Codec)

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> Audio -> Output -> Speakers (USB Audio Codec)

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> General -> enter Call Sign and Grid

In WSJT-X: File -> Settings… -> General -> select “Display distance in miles”

With the band selected from the drop-down on the left and the “Monitor” button set, I’m now seeing signals in the waterfall and decoding in the “Band Activity” display. My input level is about 60dB and my Pwr slider (output audio level) is set to the 7th tick. When I select a green-highlighted CQ message from the Band Activity display, the “Generate Std Msgs” section auto-populates with sequenced messages. I have “Tx even/1st”, “Auto Seq”, and “Call 1st” highlighted. If I click “Enable Tx” then the radio will start transmitting and sequence through the messages.

After closing WSJT-X, on the IC-7300 press the mode in the touch-screen display and press “DATA” to exit DATA mode and return to standard LSB/USB (SSB).

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