- Combine Oils – In Large Pitcher
- 23 oz olive oil
- 2 oz avocado oil
- 2 oz almond oil
- 1 oz apricot oil
- 15 gm citric acid
- Combine Milk and Salt
- 4 oz milk
- 3 gm salt
- Make 50/50 Lye Solution – In Small Pitcher
- Use Stick Blender to Combine
- Add Milk Mixture to Oil Blend
- Use Stick Blender for 1 minute
- Add Lye Mixture to Oil/Milk Mixture
- Used Stick Blender to Trace
- Stir in 1 oz Pearberry Fragrance
- Pour in Mold
This might have gone fine except I used the stick blender to mix in the fragrance and I think I should have used the spatula because the batter immediately became too thick to pour.