We’re trying to complete this tutorial for a demonstration of the ESP8266 NoneMCU running with a Raspberry Pi MQTT server.
We’re using this tutorial to setup the Raspberry Pi for NodeRED.
We have an original (circa 2011) Raspberry Pi. We used this tutorial to get the SD Card imaged and setup for a headless SSH connection. We still need to figure out how to get the USB to WiFi adaptor working on our old Pi, but for now the wired Ethernet connection is fine.
We use this reference guide for the ESP8266.
Update 4 SEP 2022: We completed the Mosquitto MQTT Broker installation and setup on the Pi using this tutorial. We following this tutorial and we’re now able to program the NodeMCU board using the NodeMCU 1.0 board personality with COM8 selected to blink an LED.
Now we’re running this tutorial, to setup a demo of NodeMCU that publishes temperature and humidity from our ESP8266 NodeMCU and a DHT11 sensor.
Hey, it works! Kinda. Had to make some corrections and our DHT11 sensor doesn’t seem to be functioning, so we’re just hard-coding constants to display on the NodeRED dashboard for now. Thank you randomnerdtutorials.com for some excellent step-by-step tutorials! That was fun!